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Serving Greater Cincinnati since 1957


We keep a large variety of aggregate materials in stock for the convenience of our customers.  This material is usually available for pick-up, call for confirmation. 

Pick-up is available  Monday to Friday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM.  These winter hours are from December 4th 2023 to March 4th 2024.

Please call ahead for material pickup and availability.

Stone, Gravel, and Sand

Aggregate NameCubic YardsCostDescription & Uses
#2 Crushed Limestone1 CY$55.001 1/2" - 3 1/2" Crushed & Washed
#57 Crushed Limestone1 CY$60.003/4" Crushed & Washed
#8 Crushed Limestone1 CY$60.003/8" Crushed & Washed Chips
DGA - Dense Grade Aggregate - Crushed Limestone1 CY$50.00Up to 3/4" - Dust (Great for flat driveways & base under pavement)
Class II Channel Lining Crushed Limestone1 CY$70.005" - 9" Limestone (Used for slowing water in ditches & preventing erosion)
Fill Sand (Brown) 1 CY$45.00Course, Dirty River Sand - Unwashed and Unfiltered
Mortar Sand1 CY$60.00Fine River Sand - Washed and Filtered (Voleyball, Playgrounds, Pools, & Mortar Mix)
Lime Sand 1 CY$45.001/4" - Dust - Crushed Manufactured Sand (Horse Stalls, Walking Paths, Pavement Base, Horseshoe Pits, Barn or Shed Floors)
Pea Gravel1 CY$60.003/8" River Gravel - Washed & Filtered (Filter Drains, Wall & Foundation Back-fill)
57 Gravel1 CY$60.001" River Gravel - Washed and Filtered (Wall & Foundation Back-fill)
CY = Cubic Yard
1 Cubic Yard is approximately a 3'x3'x3' cube or 27 Cubic Feet.

In order to calculate how much material you need, you can use the following formula.

First, find your depth in feet. (9 inches divided by 12 = 0.75ft)
Length x Width x Depth = Cubic Feet
Cubic Feet / 27 = Cubic Yards

10'x10'x0.75'=75(Cubic Feet)
75/27=2.8 Cubic Yards

Large orders are usually purchased directly from the stone manufactures and hauled to the customer instead of being loaded out from our yard. Those loads are measured in Ton instead of Cubic Yards. Use the following formula to convert Cubic Yards to Ton:

1 Cubic Yard = Approximately 1.5 Ton
Cubic Yard x 1.5 = Ton